Design and Fabrication of Automatic Floor Cleaner Robot

In recent years robotic cleaner have taken major attention in robotic research due to their effectiveness in assisting humans in floor cleaning application at homes, hotels, restaurants, hospitals etc automatic floor cleaner robot this robot automatic rotate using some sensors when some object robot detect then robot rotate left or right. we are use arduino technology arduino is best to use in project there have different type of chip or ic embedded in one chip there have a microcontroller in this CPU Memory and i/o are present internally there cost is low, power consumption is low, memory is 2kb to up to 256kb, storage is flash memory(32kb to 2mb). Its hardware so simple to use there have c, c++ language to use make a project using Arduino IDE. Arduino language is so simple to make a project to upload a program to arduino IDE check to port number to which arduino use we are use arduino Uno its mostly use this type of hardware. To use arduino after that need some instruments like DC Gear motor, Motor Driver, male to male connectors, female to mail connectors, chesses, arduino Uno, ultrasonic sensors. ultrasonic sensors connect to arduino board attach to front side of chesses when robot start to rotate to floor clean at that time any object is sense ultrasonic sensor the robot stop some seconds after that change positions.

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